The newest model, the best model and the most effectiveness which easy to maintenance, cost saving which leads to generate high profitable. Medium size machine but over capability with SM200 PREDATOR

SM200 PREDATOR Performance

1. Suitable for large sugarcane fields
2. Maximum speed of movement and sugarcane cutting
3. Designed to harvest, store in basket and conveyed sugarcane by only one machine
4. Able to harvest sugarcane in all conditions such as heavy & medium lodged cane and straight cane etc.
5. The sugarcane is cut by a new designed of base cutter which not affect the sugar cane stump.
6. A storage basket is located at the rear of the steel cage which is capable to hold 3 tons of billet cane.
7. Able to harvest sugarcane up to 80-180 tons of per day *(Results will be varied from density of sugarcane density and the operating system of each area.)
8. This sugarcane harvester reduces soil compaction. It also reduces fuel consumption and truck operation costs.

Model Information

Weight11000 Kg
Engine/HorsepowerDusan/200 hp
Driving SystemDriven by 2 rubber tires
Electronic System24 V
Fuel Tank300 L
Hydraulic Fuel Tank320 L